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What If Police Made a Mistake During Your Drug Arrest?

Dealing with an arrest for a drug offense can overwhelm and scare you. If you have recently been arrested and aren’t sure what to do next, you may want to speak to a local lawyer about your options. With a lawyer’s help, you might learn that police made a significant mistake during your arrest. What Kinds of Mistakes Could Police Make? Unfortunately, mistakes during drug arrests are all too common. Sometimes, these mistakes violate the law and infringe on the arrested person’s rights. The mistake could even rise to the level of invalidating the entire basis for the criminal offense. Police may...

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Defenses to Oklahoma Criminal Drug Charges

Defenses to Oklahoma Criminal Drug Charges

When you hire a criminal defense attorney because you were charged with a drug crime, your attorney will develop any defenses you have. Defenses are reasons why you did not commit a crime, why you cannot be convicted of a crime, or why evidence against you should be thrown out of court. For drug crimes specifically, there are a number of different defenses that may apply depending on the facts of your case. Elements of the Crime Not Proved Attorneys often argue either that the prosecution did not prove all the elements of the crime. The elements of the crime are the...

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